
6 of the best Buckingham Palace facts

Buckingham Palace is one of London’s dozens of iconic buildings, and you can visit its State Rooms as they’re open to the public during summer. But did you know it was just a ‘house’ when it was constructed? Or was it originally supposed to be a mulberry garden?

Below, we shed light on what is arguably the Capital’s most famous abode, including some facts that most Brits don’t even know.

The Royals claimed the grounds long before Buckingham Palace was built

Before there was a palace, a small village owned by Edward the Confessor occupied the land where Buckingham Palace now stands. The village was lost following the Norman Conquest and later reclaimed by Henry VIII in 1531.

King James I planned to plant a mulberry garden on the grounds. He abandoned his grand plan after using the wrong variety of silkworms. Nearly a century later, in 1703, Buckingham House was constructed. It was converted into the palace you can see today in 1820 by architect John Nash.

Victoria was the first monarch to officially occupy Buckingham Palace

Of course, plenty of royal family members lived in Buckingham Palace before Queen Victoria. The building only passed into Royal hands in 1761, when George III bought the place for his wife, Queen Charlotte.

Back then, George paid £21,000 for the palace, about £3 million in today’s prices. Still a bargain, we think you’ll agree. In 1837, Queen Victoria became the first monarch to call Buckingham Palace her official residence.

There are rumours of secret tunnels beneath the surface

Admittedly, this has yet to be proved, but we do love good gossip when it concerns the secrets of London. The London Underground is the world’s oldest metro network, so it wouldn’t be surprising if rumours of secret tunnels and even stations beneath the Palace were true.

If you visit Buckingham Palace, you probably won’t see any evidence of the tunnels that supposedly give the Royals a safe exit if required. You will, however, see the State Room and the beautiful gardens.

Buckingham Palace is not featured in the Crown

Sorry to spill this news to fans of the Netflix hit The Crown, but no scenes in the TV show were shot in Buckingham Palace. After all – it’s a royal residence, not a movie set.

However, if you want to see recreations of Queen Elizabeth’s humble abode, you can visit the Royal Naval College in Greenwich, which was used in place of the Palace’s exterior. Most interior shots of the ‘Palace’ on the Crown were shot in Wilton House in Salisbury.

The King isn’t always home

During her reign, Queen Elizabeth II, as you might expect, wasn’t always inside Buckingham Palace. If she was in or if today, The King is, you’d see the Royal Standard of the United Kingdom hung from the roof.

Just about anybody can pay a visit to the King’s home

Visits to Buckingham Palace were once reserved for the upper echelons of society. Now, even we peasants can have a peek around.

You’re unlikely to get a dinner date with His Majesty, but you can enjoy an afternoon too at The Rubens, explore the Queen’s Gallery, visit the State Room and much more.

If you want to learn more about the Royal Family, make sure you visit our London Tours page. You’ll find plenty of exciting tours to help you explore the history of the British Royal Family.